武器を置く 1の英語
- lay aside a weapon〔比喩的に武器を放棄するの意味にもなる〕 武器を置く 2
非常に長い交渉の末に武器を置く: lay down someone's weapons after lengthy negotiations
受話器を置く: 1. hang up 2. lay down the receiver 3. lower the phone 4. put a telephone receiver down 5. put down one's phone 6. put down the receiver 7. put phone down 8. put the phone down [on the hook] 9. put
武器を地面に置く: ground one's arms
武器を横に置く: lay aside a weapon〔比喩的に武器を放棄するの意味にもなる〕
鞍を置く 1: put a saddle on 鞍を置く 2 【他動】 saddle
信頼を置く 1: 1. place one's trust in 2. place reliance (on) 3. place trust (in) 4. put faith (in)〔~に〕 信頼を置く 2 1. give someone one's trust 2. repose trust in〔人に〕
力点を置く 1: concentrate one's efforts on doing〔~することに〕 力点を置く 2 have the sole emphasis fall on〔~にばかり〕
番兵を置く 1: 1. keep guard 2. post a guard 3. post a sentry 番兵を置く 2 place a guard (at)〔~に〕
距離を置く 1: 1. place a distance 2. stand back 3. stay aloof 距離を置く 2 1. detach oneself from 2. put ~ at arm's length 3. stand apart from〔~から〕 距離を置く 3 keep a proper distance from〔~からほどよい〕 距離を置く 4 1. distance o
間隔を置く 1: 【他動】 distance 間隔を置く 2 leave a space (between)〔~の間に〕
武器を置いて降伏する: lay down one's arms and surrender
ガシャンと受話器を置く: slam down the receiver
ガチャンと受話器を置く: bang the phone down
乱暴に受話器を置く: 1. bang the phone down 2. slam down the receiver
答える前に受話器を置く: hang up before someone can answer〔人が〕